Saturday, December 6, 2008

It's been a year....

Baby's been a year since my last blog so I decided to try this business again.  Probably because I now have a new computer thanks to my amazing friends.  So every body knows this by now but my house burnt down and I did not save my computer.  Last night, Loren (one of my friends) had his annual Christmas Party.   So after about 60 people show up Loren decided to get everyone's attention...  he now is engaged, yea!  And then he proceeded to talk about how my house burnt down so in my head I am thinking "yeah, yeah my house burnt down.  Please stop bringing that up"  Well come to find out my friends had sent an email around and sent money to Loren and Carly and they got my a mac and a printer for my Christmas present.  I almost started to bawl in front of all those people!!!  I had to fan my eyes:)  So now, hopefully, I will be an even better blogger...maybe once every half year!


Dan, Michelle, Addison and our loving pet Ruby said...


That is awesome. Michelle told me the story, it makes us happy you have such great friends in SB. Maybe we should stop trying to get you to move back to Mich. Let me know if you need any blogging tips maybe I can help you out.


Dan, Michelle, Addison and our loving pet Ruby said...

Hey emmy! Good job on the blogging :) Dan's right - we're glad you have fantastic friends there. Love you and miss you much!